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Leuchtturm-Wanderweg Loop Head

Dieser Weg beginnt bei Keanes Bar in Carrigaholt und führt Sie auf einem Rundweg bis zum Ende der Loop Head-Halbinsel, wo Sie den LoopHead-Leuchtturm finden.



36,1 km


Mittlere Ebene


1 Stunde 47 Minuten

Cliff drive with island behind.

Ihre Route

Carrigaholt -Newtown - Moveen-

Fooagh -  Kilkee -Carrigaholt

Kilkee Trail


This route takes you from Carrigaholt to Kilkee via the coastal (cliff) route.


To avoid the main roads as much as possible, this route contains a short section of rutted road.  While not particularly bad, it may be unsuitable for inexperienced riders.

Distance of 14.2 km, total of 28.4 km.

1.5 hrs cycle but allow for stops

From Carrigaholt, head over the bridge out of the village towards Kilkee.

Follow the main road to ascend the hill away from the river.  After 450 m, turn left onto a side road at Moyarta graveyard.

Turn right after 190m.  Follow this road for 1.6 km.  It is quite rutted for the first 400 m but a decent forest road then.

This brings you to a crossroads.  Using extreme caution, walking the bikes if necessary, cross the main road to the narrow road opposite.  Follow this road for 1,9 km to Goleen, (In irish -small hole or bay). 

You have reached the Atlantic coast on the north of Loop Head.

A sharp left here as you wrap around the inside if the inlet & a slight rise brings you to the coast road overlooking Illaunonearaun, Island of the Goatherd, aka Healy’s Island.

There is a steep hill into the town with a sharp junction where Dunlickey Road (from Doonlicka castle, which overlooked Illaunonearaun island) meets the west End.  Exercise caution here as this is a busy area with walkers & traffic.


From here, enjoy the spectacular cliff road all the way into Kilkee.


Kilkee has swimming, cafés, bars & restaurants, click this link for more information on Kilkee.   




Return to Carigaholt by retracing your route.




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