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Dulux Day to Remember!

Dulux paints visit Loop Head e-Bikes with their guests.

Recently, we had a visit from Dulux, who visited us with guests, here at Loop Head E-Bikes.

The day was quite breezy (check out the video!). 

Of course this did not bother us on our electric bicycles!  We cycled from Carrigaholt via Rhinevilla bay, to Kilbaha.  One the way, we had an issue with a chain, which we very quickly resolved.  At Keatings in Kilbaha, we paused for some well-deserved refreshments.

Onwards & upwards for the next 5 km to Loop Head Lighthouse; no issue with the electric bikes!

At Loop Head Lighthouse, we were treated to the tour with Martin.  It is truly an amazing place.  It has helped protect seafarers since 1670!

“I can think of no other edifice constructed by man as altruistic as a lighthouse. They were built only to serve.”

- George Bernard Shaw

After Loop Head Lighthouse, we e-cycled north eastwards past Fodra & Ross bay, as far as the Bridges of Ross.

The spectacular scenery here never, ever, fails to impress.

On our return to Carrigaholt we enjoyed delicious food from The Long Dock in Keane’s bar.

It was an absolute pleasure for us to host Dulux paints and their guests.


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